All posts by Allen Kadis

Please give to our work for parks and people

Please give to our work for parks and people with a generous tax-deductible year-end contribution!

Parks & People and its dozens of partners and thousands of volunteers and participants is helping communities across DC to meet such core needs as sustainability, resilience, food access, security, jobs, investment, play, hope, and pride– especially where the need is greatest.  All core carrying costs are covered by earned revenue and underwriting, which makes it possible to put 100% of your gift directly into impact on the ground.  With no operating support from the government, Parks & People depends on the generosity of our donors, members, and volunteers to deliver the expanding city-wide transformations that make such a difference in so many lives.


You can make an immediate contribution HERE.  All gifts made before Midnight Sunday will be recorded as deductible in 2017.  If you wish to designate your contribution for any special part of our work, you can do so by writing this into the “comments” line.


​Thank you for all that you help us do to stand up for our parks and people.  It is an honor to serve our commnunities, city, and country​ together with you.  Wishing you and yours joy in this season and peace in the new year​!