Think Outside Monthly Themes


Each month during our Think Outside campaign, a new theme helps us think about                          another way parks help us achieve health.

Check back monthly for the release of our new illustrations. Please request permission to reprint or use these images by Jeffrey Catts ([email protected]).

January DREAMS Parks inspire creativity and the
dreams of future generations
February  Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Device LOVE Take care of the parks and
green spaces that we love.Recommendations for how to spend February in the parks
March RENEWAL Parks hold economic value
with jobs & investments
April  April image-page-001 EARTH Parks remind us of Earth’s
natural resources
and original landscapes
May  May- Health HEALTH Parks inspire good health
through gardening &
fitness out in the fresh air
June  June_Play PLAY Parks act as affordable, natural
recreation centers
July  Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Device (2) ARTS Parks encourage cultural
experiences with fine and
performing arts
in a natural setting
August JUSTICE Parks promote restorative
environmental justice
and the healing power of nature
September   LEARNING & DISCOVERY Parks give children
a place to grow and learn in
a natural environment
October   HERITAGE Parks help you embrace
your roots with
outdoor celebrations
November HARVEST Parks are a natural location to
grow fresh produce
December   PEACE Park programs help to counter
crime and violence outside